“World Environment Day-2023 (WED-2023)” on 05 June, 2023. This day brings together all the stakeholders of the environment at local


Vision Live/ Greater Noida

The Department of Environmental Science (DoES) of the GBU School of Vocational Studies and Applied Sciences (USoVSAS), organized the celebration of the “World Environment Day-2023 (WED-2023)” on 05 June, 2023. This day brings together all the stakeholders of the environment at local, national, regional and global levels to protect and restore the Earth. Year 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the World’s first environmental summit, “The 1972 United Nations Conference on Human Environment” held at Stockholm, Sweden. The theme for WED-2023 was focused on solution to plastic pollution under the campaign #Beat plastic pollution.

Organization of WED-2023 celebration by the DoES was an attempt towards “Mindful and deliberate utilization instead of mindless and destructive consumption” to conserve the environment and natural resources.

As a pre-inaugural attempt, Prof. N.P. Melkania, Dean USoVSAS shared “A Journey of Environment in Real Life” through News clippings, to the Chief Guest Prof. Ravindra Kumar Sinha, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, GBU, and other participants. Prof. Melkania emphasized on the need of the courses, viz., Political Ecology, and Trade and Environment in Environmental Science Programmes for developing ready to serve youth. The former will deal with the complex interrelations between and among economics, politics, technology, social tradition, and environment, and the latter will focus on how the global trade is influencing the environment and natural resources.

It was followed by the inauguration of “Wall magazine-Eco Verse.” The Wall magazine provides opportunity to the young learners, faculty and staff to put forward ideas, news, views and reflections for wider use of the stakeholders. The “Eco Verse” is the first initiative in GBU.

A Journey of Environment in Real Life” through News clippings, to the Chief Guest Prof. Ravindra Kumar Sinha, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, GBU, and other participants. Prof. Melkania emphasized on the need of the courses

The formal function of the WED-2023 was started by Saraswati Vandana and lightening of the lamp. Prof. Melkania, the Dean USoVSAS welcomed the Chief Guest of the Programme-Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof. Ravindra Kumar Sinha Ji, and expressed gratefulness to the Vice Chancellor for all moral support and encouragement.

The Registrar of the University-Dr. Vishwas Tripathi, The Finance Office GBU- Shri Neeraj Kumar, all the Dean (s)/ Dean(I/c) s, and other participating officials, faculty, students and staff were also welcomed appropriately.

In his “Special lecture,” Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof. Sinha emphasized on positive thinking and development of user-friendly environmental technologies to arrest. environmental degradation. He pledged that he himself, all the faculty, staff and students residing in the campus must come to the office/schools by walk ones in a week, and such a day can be named as “No Vehicle Day”. Prof. Sinha suggested use of cycle mandatorily in the campus from academic session 2023-2024. Wherever necessary, the use of e-Riksha should be practiced. He further advised to the In-charge-Student’s Affairs to explore possibilities of regulating use of two and four wheelers in the campus by establishing the “No vehicle zone” from academic session 2023-2024.

The WED-2023 celebration by DoES has set another milestone by launching “University to Society Programme”. This is the first attempt at the GBU under which the GBU will strive to extend knowledge and sustainable technologies to the society-the grassroot stakeholders. To begin with, a flyer including inputs compiled on “Production of Enriched Vermicompost” was released. This technology is most suitable for western Uttar Pradesh in particular where the youth as an entrepreneur have direct market for vermicompost in star hotels and apartments in NCR for indoor plants, gardens, besides its use in outdoor cultivation and kitchen gardens.

“University to Society Programme”. This is the first attempt at the GBU under which the GBU will strive to extend knowledge and sustainable technologies to the society-the grassroot stakeholders

The Youth Parliament Debate Competition (Stage-1) participants, viz., Ms. Priyanshi Singh (M.Sc. Environmental Science; Ms. Nimisha Singh, B.Tech. FPT; Ms. Rupsa Sarkar, B.A. Political Science, and Mr. Vaibhav Mishra, B.A. Political Science shared their recent experiences. These participants were felicitated for their willingness to represent the GBU in The State Level Stage-1 of the Parliament Debate Competition (YPDC) under the Mission Life. Ms. Nimisha Singh also shared her experience of the State Level Stage-2 competition held at the Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal. Later, the students of DoES presented theme-based performances.

The formal Vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Bhaswati Banerjee, HoD Environmental Science. While acknowledging one and all, Prof. N.P. Melkania, Dean USovSAS expressed hope for continued support to the DoES and USoVSAS. It was followed by National Anthem and interaction over a cup of tea in a plastic free manner.

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